
Update as of October, 2024:

While my practice is currently full,
I do anticipate having openings for new clients as of mid-January 2025.
so please do drop me a line to let me know how I might be helpful

and to be placed on my waiting list.

Please note:  my practice is limited to Thursdays and Fridays,

with Thursdays being exclusively remote therapy via Zoom or by phone
with those living outside the San Francisco Bay Area

and I hold all my Friday times open exclusively for
traditional in-person therapy at my Delaware Street office.
Since COVID pandemic restrictions are now at an end,
I no longer do remote therapy with those living in the Bay Area.
If you live in the Bay Area, I will want to see you in person.

For over four decades now, I have been privileged as a marriage and family therapist

to make a difference
in people's lives
to use all of my gifts

on behalf of others
for healing and wholeness

My background encompasses a number of different models and approaches.  I am most known for being a Jungian-oriented therapist but also important to my professional identity has been

Formal training in pastoral counseling and spiritual direction

Long-term object-relations psychodynamic treatment

Cognitive-behavioral approaches to depression, health and sexuality concerns

Many years of being an "out" gay male therapist and activist in the Bay Area GLBT community.

Best-selling author, public speaker, teacher, supervisor and professional consultant

Does all that make me "eclectic"?  I guess it does!

But I would like to think it makes me well-equipped to help YOU wherever YOU might be in your life. That's what I look forward to talking with you about when we meet.

And please do feel free to check my page here, "Taking Time to Reflect, Making Space for New Growth," where I talk about the various aspects of my own personal approach to psychotherapy, healing and wholeness, for a better sense of how I hold my work as a psychotherapist.

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